South West British Shorthair Cat Club

The benefits of membership of the South West British Shorthair Cat Club include:
Reduced entry fees to our annual show
Help and advice from experienced breeders and showers
The facility to advertise kittens, and older cats needing re-homing, both on this site and in newsletters
The facility to include a link to your website from this site
Regular newsletters
Social events where you can not only have fun but interact with like minded people who are interested in the breed and its welfare and to discuss ideas and exchange useful information
Membership fees are:
Single - £5
Joint - £7
Junior - £2
If you would like to join please download and complete our application form, then return it, with payment, to our Membership Secretary, Monica Acton, at the address shown on the form.
Membership renewals are due annually on 1st January and can be paid by bank transfer or by standing order (many members are now finding this is the easiest way as it means they don’t have to remember about it on New Year’s Day!) to the following account details: Bank account no.: - 00692696, sort code - 30-19-57. Please use your full name as the reference.
Alternatively payment can be made by cheque, made payable to South West British Shorthair Cat Club, and posted to: Monica Acton, The Old Malthouse, Bagshot Road, Worplesdon, Surrey, GU3 3PT.